Tribal Renewable Energy Discussed in Wisconsin

The Wisconsin Energy Institute hosted a panel on Renewable Energy and Indigenous Peoples on February 25th. The panel focused on challenges and opportunities unique to Native Nations who are bringing clean energy to Tribal Lands.

The panel included Dylan Jennings, Tribal Council Member for the Bad River Band; Micheal Troge, Project Manager for the Oneida Nation and Charles Opferman, Vice President of Operations for FCPC Renewable Generation in the Forest County Potawatomi Community


Opferman described how Forest County Potawatomi Community’s goal is to self-generate all of the Tribe’s energy usage using Tribal resources.

It’s part of the struggle that the Potawatomi and the rest of the Tribes continue to have, in terms of being able to manage their own destinies
— Charlie Opferman, Forest County Potawatomi Community

Listen to the story on Wisconsin Public Radio using the link below:

Wisconsin Tribes Strive for Independence from Outside Energy Companies